JCRED Announces Its 2022 Best Notes Award Winners

Ryan Brady wins first place and Michael Allain wins runner-up.

The Journal of Civil Rights and Economic Development is pleased to announce Associate Articles Editor Ryan Brady as its 2022 Best Notes winner and Managing Editor Michael Allain as its runner-up. 

Ryan Brady’s note, "Why Single-Family Zoning Must End in New York City’s Suburbia," examines how single-family zoning laws in the suburbs surrounding New York City perpetuate the regional housing shortage and maintain long-established patterns of segregation.

Michael Allain’s Note, “When Does a Lie Become an Obstruction of Justice?” analyzes whether the obstruction of justice adjustment in the Federal Sentencing Guidelines applies when a defendant lies about their income in a financial affidavit to obtain appointed counsel.

JCRED appreciates both authors for their exceptional work and cannot wait to celebrate them at the Best Notes Ceremony which will be held on October 19, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. at the Mattone Atrium.
